TFV4 TF-CLP2 Dual Clapton Coil Head

smok-_tfv4_mini_TF-CLP2_CoreI haven’t used my SMOK TFV4 for a while now, since I ran the included tri and quad coil heads into the ground, and found my OBS crius provides a better vape for a rebuildable tank using less juice in the process.

The other day, while browsing MyEpack, I noticed they sell coil head in singles for the TFV4 ( £3.49 each or £2.99 each if you buy five ), including the dual clapton coil. Now I haven’t ever used clapton wire before, as I’ve always convinced myself that these fancy twisty/zipper/woven/sculpted coil builds can’t surely have that much effect on flavour.

So for the sake of affirming my expectations… I bought one.

And here it is, a mini review of the TFV4 TF-CLP2 dual clapton coil head. 0.35 ohms, 30W to 90W

Firstly, this one was a bugger to ‘run-in’. It took two full tanks of juice before I started to get a decent flavour vape. That’s quite a bit of juice (8 – 10ml )s o if you are a premium juice buyer on a budget… not good!

When it was firing on all pistons, the flavours was very good indeed. Maybe not quite as good as the quad coil but very close.

In fact it is probably easiest to judge this against the quad coil.

Where the quad gets its best flavour at around a quite hot 80-90W, The dual clapton needs a more ‘reserved’ 70-80W. This means for us everyday vapers a slightly better battery life, and the tank of juice may last a few inhalations longer.

dscf0935_1Another plus point is the ‘feel’ of the vape. The quad coil is more of a cloud monster, and at optimum vape wattage does draw out slightly more flavour from the juice, but the dual clapton seems to have a ‘fuller’ feel to the experience. It adds a little richness, thickness, despite not producing as much vapour.

The only real negative I could think of was that it can be a little spitty. Not massively, just an odd tiny spot on the tongue every now and then.

So which do I prefer… quad or dual clapton. Well, it has to be Dual Clapton.

For the sake of a very, very small sacrifice of flavour, I get a more satisfying vape that is less harsh with the heat and easier on the mod batteries.


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